Tiers improve the quality of your programme by naturally segmenting customers and benefits based on clearly defined rules.
Give programme members positive motivations to continue shopping with your brand and participating in the programme.
Programme benefits and privileges for customers only increase the longer they’re active – never decreases or stagnates.
Take advantage of programme data that tiered solutions offer. You can create dynamic segmentation for any member data collected, such as date-of-birth, registration date, locations, number of redemptions, historical points-to-date, and more. Segmentation makes it easy to identify and strategically target any type of customer, from first-time buyers to your longest and most highest-spending customers.
By recognising the actions of your most valuable members you can create a more personalised and enjoyable customer experience across your entire brand.
Securely collect and validate online and offline transactions from multiple vendors and brands.
Connect and integrate with any IT infrastructure and software system without requiring major system changes.
Utilise tiers and statuses to drive customer engagement and develop targeted offers for specific customer groups.
Customise the types of rewards, products, and samples to fit your unique customer base.
Customised data analytics modules let you segment customer data by multiple points to get better insights.
Own and manage both manual and automated member communications for promotions, product or service launches, and programme updates.